Fallout 4 join brotherhood of steel
Fallout 4 join brotherhood of steel

fallout 4 join brotherhood of steel

In this ending, the Brotherhood of Steel destroys The Railroad and The Institute and the Sole Survivor is promoted to the position of sentinel. And your rank and chain of command protect you better than the thickest armor. You are the uniform, and you wear it well.

fallout 4 join brotherhood of steel

Dangerous objects taken from those who don't understand. “ You're wearing a suit of steel and energy. The player character is supposed to be promoted to sentinel by the Brotherhood, however due to a glitch, the quest does not trigger. They rather get banished from the Institute by themself, and then trigger the Evacuation Protocol BD-2 while eventually destroying the Institute with the Minutemen.

fallout 4 join brotherhood of steel

Minutemen, Railroad, and Brotherhood coexist - should the player character not allow themself to participate in any turning point missions which would make them enemies with another faction ( Tactical Thinking from the Brotherhood, or Underground Undercover for the Railroad, or starting Mass Fusion for the Institute).Minutemen and Railroad become enemies - should the player character not trigger the evacuation signal before destroying the Institute and then speak to Desdemona, the Railroad will become hostile to the player character (there are claims that the player character can get Tactical Thinking if the Brotherhood of Steel still exists and they didn't get the quest earlier).Minutemen destroy the Brotherhood of Steel - should the player character become hostile with the Brotherhood of Steel, be it before or after the end of the main quest, they can destroy the Prydwen with artillery and then fighting off the retaliation force.It is possible to stay on positive terms with the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel by not making any of those two factions hostile. In this ending, the Minutemen become the dominant force in the Commonwealth and the player character restored the Minutemen to their full power. This ending can only be achieved if the player character got into hostile relations with the Institute. Fear falls away as the brave step forward to join the ranks. To maintain the format, "scenes" will be used instead of "segments." Video scene 7-8 - Based on the gender of the Sole Survivor (One will always be included).ĭue to the limited variables affecting the ending cutscene, the cutscene itself is not broken down into segments like in Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas but exist as 4 separate, complete videos for the two endings and two genders.In the latter case, it's also based on the gender of the Sole Survivor (One will always be included). Video scene 1-3 - Based on choosing to complete Nuclear Family or The Nuclear Option.

Fallout 4 join brotherhood of steel